Feature Friday – Web Site Design

Webtelligence is the most deeply integrated and most versatile ecommerce solution for Sage 300. Our platform and methodology allow for functionality that other solutions just can’t accommodate. For example, Webtelligence is not a template-based solution. Here’s what that means for you.

Web Site Design

Most of our customers have spent years, if not a lifetime, creating and growing their brand identity and company image. None of them are the same. Each has their own personality that has been nurtured to become the living, breathing entity that it is today. That’s too important to be left to a template.

Our designers will work with you to create the shopping experience you want for your customers that best showcases your products and image. It’s pretty rare that you’ll find a template that expresses your vision without making significant modifications to it. And if that’s the case, why bother. You’ll be better served to let our experienced designers work with you to create that perfect experience for your customers that matches your vision exactly.

Surprisingly, you’ll find that taking this approach is no more expensive than starting with a template. And the results will be superior, by design.